Services - Netiquette Quiz

1. When sending emails back and forth you should change the subject line every time.
True False

2. In business emails you do not need to use a salutation.
True False    

3. Capital letters are easier to read and quicker to write so it is fine to use them in business situations.
True False           

4. In business you should use a signature line that includes as much information about you or your business as possible and a picture or quote if possible.
True False

5. If you are forwarded a joke it is only polite to reply.
True False    

6. Can forwarding messages violate copy write law?
True False

7. If you are sending a mass mailing or a message to a group of recipients, it is best to use “BCC ” rather than “To.”
True False      

8. If you are friendly with your boss or others at work it is Ok to write your emails in a casual tone.

9. Since multiple fonts, colours, italics and other formatting isn't likely to be lost at work where everyone is on the same system; it is OK to use them.
True False     

10. You don't need to get permission to forward a personal email.
True False      

11. You have attended a company function at your boss's home. The next day send him an email thanking him for a lovely evening.
True False      

12. You regularly receive chain letters requesting you forward them to your friends. It is considered impolite to break the chain so you should follow instructions and forward the letter.
True False


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